Cleveland Trust Dome - Tours of Cleveland, LLC

Cleveland Trust Dome

Cleveland Trust Company Building Dome

I wanted to highlight the old Cleveland Trust Company Bank Building, which of course today is Heinen’s Grocery Store. Just last week, the lights that back-light the beautiful stained glass dome were fully replaced! It was a large undertaking but they are fixed. It is amazing what a difference it makes.

The Cleveland Trust Dome was done by Italian immigrant Nicolas D’Ascenzo not Louis Comfort Tiffany as many previously believed. The dome is 61 feet in diameter and stands 85 feet off the floor. It along with the murals by Francis Millet help make the building a Top 10 Place to visit in Cleveland according to TripAdvisor!

Walking Tours of Cleveland

The Cleveland Trust Company building is a stop included on all our current walking tours – Downtown Highlights and Cleveland From the Inside. Personally, it is one of my favorite buildings! Want to explore more of downtown Cleveland, have friends visiting from out of town, a walking tour is great way to see and learn about the city! Our tours are offered year round! To learn more, see our schedule and book your tour, visit

A view of the dome with all of its lights shining!
Note: The dark spots in the dome are pieces of plywood that will be removed soon. They were in place to protect the glass while the team worked to complete the work.