Eagle Statues - Follow Up - Tours of Cleveland, LLC

Eagle Statues – Follow Up

Cleveland's Eagle Statues

This is a follow up to a story we did back in March of this year regarding the two large pink granite eagle statues that were looking for a home. The eagle statues once stood on Public Square outside the old Chamber of Commerce building. They first appeared in 1898 but were removed in 1955 when the Chamber building was demolished. They lived for many years on a farm in Geauga county.

This year they were put up for sale and will now be purchased by the K&D group and placed in front of the Old Post Office Building (behind Terminal Tower) on W. 3rd St. Each of the eagle statues weigh 5,000 pounds and have a wing span of five feet. They are currently being refinished. K&D is conducting other upgrades to the Old Post Office and once those are complete the eagles will make their way back to downtown.

To learn more, check out Laura DeMarco’s story from the Plain Dealer.